Serve the City

We love Baltimore, and we want to see it become an even better place to live, work, and play. We believe that happens when we love our neighbors and work for the city’s flourishing by serving and sharing the love of Jesus.

Serving Events

Christmas Store - gifts

The Christmas Store

Each Christmas, we collect hundreds of new, unwrapped toys. We then open a pop-up shop at UMB’s Community Engagement Center where we sell those toys for a fraction of the price so that parents get the dignity and joy of picking out and purchasing gifts for their kids, making them the heroes of their Christmas.

Feed More B'more - Box Packing
Feed More B'more - Friends

Feed More B’more

We regularly partner with Generosity Feeds to package and donate hundreds of meals to schools and organizations in the city that help to end food insecurity, all in a fun-filled, fast-paced morning.

Places to Serve

Looking for a local organization to serve? Here are a few we know and love.